Suite 6-11, Level 6, KPJ Sabah Specialist Hospital, Lot. No 2, Off Jalan Damai, Luyang 88300 Kota Kinabalu, sabah
Languages Spoken
Malay, English, Chinese
Kpj Sabah Specialist Hospital
About Dr David Wong Hock Khiam

Dr David Wong is a Sabahan who was born in Kudat and bred in Kota Kinabalu. He is a fully registered doctor in both Malaysia and Taiwan with many years of experience in internal medicine and critical care medicine. He is a self-starter and good in communication. Dedicated in work and community services. Fluent in English, Malay, Mandarin, Hakka, Hokkien and Cantonese. Moved back to Sabah in year 2008 in view of family and community services (Under Program Pakar). He served in Queen Elizabeth Hospital I, II and Sultanah Aminah Hospital Johor Bahru for total five years (Head in the Intensive Care Unit) and joined KPJ Sabah Specialist Hospital since 03/2014. He provided “wholistic care” but not “organ-specific care” for his patient, especially for those with complicated co-morbidities. By doing this he is able to reduce patient mortality, length of hospital stay and the cost. Besides, he has special knowledge and skills in the airway problem such as invasive & non-invasive ventilation (The care that beyond respiration). For the internal medicine, he is not only a general physician who can treat general medical diseases (diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, gouty arthritis etc), but he is also able to combine modern western and traditional medicine to treat certain diseases such as difficult asthma, refractory dizziness, hypertension, COPD, anemia or even terminal illness diseases. Dr David Wong is also a columnist for years in Mandarin Newspaper like Sin Chew, See Hua, Asia Times, Overseas Chinese Daily Newspaper and so on. Strongly believe in the phrase: “I took the road less travelled by, and that has made all the difference” by Robert Frost – American Poet 1874-1963.Awards:
1. Best Resident in Miaoli Da Chien Medical Center in year 2001.
2. Excellent Medical Article in Journal of Internal Medicine of Taiwan year 2002.
3. “Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang” in Queen Elizabeth Hospital, year 2009.
4. Appreciation of contribution in Organ Transplant Services in Sultanah Aminah Hospital, Johor Bahru, year 2011.
5. Outstanding Alumni of Taiwan Alumni Association, year 2015.
6. Outstanding Alumni of Tshung Tsin Secondary School, year 2015.黃學謙醫生,沙巴州古達人,國小就讀於古達培德小學,中學則於亞庇崇正中學就讀,高中畢業後負笈台灣就讀於國立台灣大學醫學系,之後從事內科專科及急重症 (又名加護醫學)次專科醫療,並於二○○八年考獲澳洲企管碩士(MBA)資格。全家於二○○八年底響應政府的 “海外專業人仕返國服務計劃-Program Pakar”遷回家鄉沙巴並於二○○九年初正式於馬來西亞繼續醫療服務。黃醫生曾服務於沙巴亞庇依麗沙白女皇醫院與柔佛州新山中央醫院長達五年,之後於 二○一四年三月轉至私人醫院KPJ SABAH SPECIALIST HOSPITAL (即前沙巴醫葯中心)就職。 黃醫生所具有的專科為內科醫學、急重症醫學以及醫療管理。對於病人照顧方面,特別對患多種疾病患者,黃醫生提供“全人式- wholistic”醫療照顧,即不將病人以“器官導向-organ specific treatment”方式來照顧病人。如此一來不僅避免頭痛醫頭、腳痛醫腳的問題,更能有效降低死亡率、住院天數以及醫療開支。此外,黃醫生對於呼吸道方 面疾病也頗有心得,他擅長用不同類型呼吸器以及高科技來為呼吸道疾病患者提供更優質、更高階的服務。至於內科常見疾病方面(如高血壓、糖尿病、高膽固醇、 高尿酸血症等),黃醫生提供的服務也有所不同。他能夠針對某些疾病採中西醫合併治療方式(即中葯西用)來為患者治療,這對於一些疾病如持續性眩暈、貧血、 營養不良等患者會有意想不到的療效。 由於黃醫生出身鄉下,曾見過許多貧病交加、求助無門或誤診的個案,所以在他長大成為專科醫生後毅然決定從台灣舉家遷回沙巴為鄉親們服務。他在回來後看到國 家在醫療上的諸多不足如醫療資源的欠缺、分佈不均、醫療資訊不對等、民眾對醫療的誤解、不良的就醫心態等等。看到了這些情形常讓他感到放不下,想說做些事 情來讓大家了解國家的醫療特色,特別是有關急重症醫療這一方面。經過多年在政府醫院的行醫經歷、參與許多核心課程及診治過成千上萬的病人,再加上他過去在 台灣十多年的行醫生涯,終於讓他在二○一一年開始動筆寫出醫療文章,先後刊登於國內各大報章如星洲、光明、東馬詩華、華僑、亞洲以及亞洲眼雜誌等,至今已 刊登累積上百篇。透過深入淺出的文章,希望能讓讀者們從文章中得到一些啟示,更加了解何謂急重症醫療,從中減少彼此之間的認知差異,強化並改善醫病關係。 文章以經手的醫療個案或醫療經歷感受寫出有關醫療人文或疾病的文章,文筆洗練、分析病症深入淺出,可讀性高,為一術德兼修之文人醫生作家。

  • Education and Fellowship

    09/2008 MBA (Hospital management), Australia.
    12/2006 Certificate of Critical and Emergency Care Medicine, Taiwan R.O.C.
    01/2004 Certificate of Internal Medicine Specialty, Ministry of Health, Taiwan R.O.C.
    06/2000 MD, National Taiwan University, Taiwan R.O.C

  • Speciality Interests

    1. Invasive and Non-invasive ventilation (The care beyond respiration)
    2. Combine modern western and traditional medicine to treat certain diseases such as brittle asthma, refractory dizziness, hypertension, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, anemia and terminally-ill diseases
    3. Continuous Extracorporeal Blood Purification Therapy
    4. Toxicology
    5. Hospital Management
    6. Medical Education (Column writing) in: Sin Chew, Guang Ming Ribao, OCDN, See Hua, Asia Times Daily Newspaper and Eye Asia Magazine.

  • Research and Publications

    1. Investigator for IMPRESS study
    2. Co-investigator for Rational Fluid Therapy in Asia (RaFTA) study
    3. Malaysian Registry of Intensive Care Database Collection
    4. Organophosphate Intoxication Study in Puli Christian Hospital, Taiwan R.O.CPUBLICATIONS:
    1. Wong HK. Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis in a patient with extension to the right liver lobe–A case report and review.Journal of Puli Christian Hospital 2007 Vol 1 95-102
    2. Wong HK, Kuo HT, Tsai SL et al. Isolate gastric varices due to focal vein stenosis – A case report and review. J Formos Med Assoc 2004; 103:640-3
    3. Wong HK, Chong CC. Prion disease – Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease – A case report and review. Journal of Internal Medicine of Taiwan Feb 2002 Vol13 No 1

  • Professional Memberships

    1. National Specialist Register Number: 127362
    2. Academic of Medicine of Malaysia
    3. Membership of American College of Physician
    4. Sessional Lecturer School of Medicine, University of Malaysia Sabah
    5. Sessional Lecturer College of Allied Health, Johor Bahru, Johor
    6. Malaysia Medical Council Registration Number: 47403
    7. Life member of Malaysian Medical Association
    8. Life Member of Malaysian Society of Intensive Care
    9. Medical Advisor of Sabah Hwaxia Zhineng Qigong Association
    10. Vice President of KK Huang Clan (Jiang Xia) Association Sabah
    11. Committee member of Alumni Association of Taiwan, Sabah

  • Education and Fellowship

    09/2008 MBA (Hospital management), Australia.
    12/2006 Certificate of Critical and Emergency Care Medicine, Taiwan R.O.C.
    01/2004 Certificate of Internal Medicine Specialty, Ministry of Health, Taiwan R.O.C.
    06/2000 MD, National Taiwan University, Taiwan R.O.C

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