Suite 36, Level 5, KPJ Tawakkal Specialist Hospital
Languages Spoken
Malay, English
Kpj Tawakkal Specialist Hospital
About Dr Nurhashim Haron
  • Education and Fellowship

    1995 – BSc (St. Andrews)

    1999 – MBChB Manchester

    2003 – MRCS Edinburgh

    2009 – M.Surg Malaya

    Fellowship of Colorectal Surgery (Mal)

    Fellowship in Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery (ICENI, UK)

    Induction of Fellow Academy of Medicine (College of Surgeon, Mal)

  • Speciality Interests

    1.General Surgery

    2.Colorectal Surgery

    3.Laparoscopic Surgery

  • Research and Publications

    1.Feasibility and Outcome of Trans Anal Total Mesorectal Excision in Multicentre Unit in the National Health Service.

    2.Asymptomatic Gallstone: Differential behaviour in Male and Female Subjects

    3.Immunological consequences of appendicectomy;exploring the effects of appendicectomy in the colonic microbiota and body proteins

    4.Anorectal complications of labour

    5.Rectovaginal fistula due to obstetrics trauma (Paper)

    6.Factors predicting Non Colorectal Histopathological Involvement in Locally Advanced Colorectal Cancer undergoing Multi-visceral Resection. (2012)

    Management of Fistula in Ano (FIA) in Colorectal Unit in Hospital Selayang over a five year period (2012)

    Demographic differences in breast cancer in UMMC-A study of ethnicity and age (2009)

    Clinical assessment of the axilla a reliable indicator for lymph node metastases in breast cancer (2008)

    The effect of ethnicity and age of survival of breast cancer in Malaysia (2009)

    National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) Guidelines for urgent CT scanning of patients with head injuries. Audit result from DGH (2004)

  • Professional Memberships

    He is a member of various associations which include Association of Coloproctology Great Britain & Ireland (ACPGBI), Malaysian Society of Colorectal Surgeons (MSCRS) and College of Surgeons Academy of Medicine Malaysia.

  • Education and Fellowship

    1995 – BSc (St. Andrews)

    1999 – MBChB Manchester

    2003 – MRCS Edinburgh

    2009 – M.Surg Malaya

    Fellowship of Colorectal Surgery (Mal)

    Fellowship in Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery (ICENI, UK)

    Induction of Fellow Academy of Medicine (College of Surgeon, Mal)

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