Suite No. 27, Level 5, KPJ Tawakkal Specialist Hospital
Languages Spoken
Malay, English
Kpj Tawakkal Specialist Hospital
About Dr. Hamidah Budin

Joined Tawakal in 2006. Involved in Orbit & Oculoplastic since 2000. Currently also a visiting Orbit & Oculoplastic Surgeon at Hospital Kuala Lumpur ( 2006 – till now). Member for “Oculoplastics Subspecialist Committee – 2008 til now

1993 House Officer, GH Melaka
1994 Medical Officer, Hospital Mentakab
1996 Trainee, Masters in Ophthalomology
2000 Clinical Specialist at Ophthalomology, GHKL
2003 Consultant Ophthalmology, GH Kota Bharu
2004 Fellowship in Orbit and Oculoplastic Ain Syam University and National Eye Hospital Cairo, Egypt
2004 Consultant Oculoplastic and Orbit, GH Kota Bharu

  • Education and Fellowship

    BSc(Medical) UKM, M.D(UKM) – 1993 M.Surgery (Ophthamology) UKM – 2000 Sub-specialty Orbit & Oculoplastic – 2004

    1993 MD, UM
    2000 Master of Surgery in Ophthalmology, UM
    2004 Sub-specialty in Oculoplastic, Ain Syam University Cairo, Egypt and National Eye Hospital Cairo, Egypt

  • Speciality Interests

    OPHTHAMOLOGIST Sub-specialty – Orbit & Oculoplastic

  • Research and Publications
  • Professional Memberships
  • Education and Fellowship

    BSc(Medical) UKM, M.D(UKM) – 1993 M.Surgery (Ophthamology) UKM – 2000 Sub-specialty Orbit & Oculoplastic – 2004

    1993 MD, UM
    2000 Master of Surgery in Ophthalmology, UM
    2004 Sub-specialty in Oculoplastic, Ain Syam University Cairo, Egypt and National Eye Hospital Cairo, Egypt

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