Suite No. 23, Level 5, KPJ Tawakkal Specialist Hospital
Languages Spoken
Malay, English, Tamil
Kpj Tawakkal Specialist Hospital
About Dr. Melvin Raj

Dr. Melvin Raj graduated in 1991 and abtained his MRCP (UK) in 1997. He completed his subspeciality training in advance Gastroenterology (Malaysia & Australia) in 2003. In addition to specialist care in internal medicine, he provides comprehensive Endoscopy assessment as well as Specialist Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology services.

  • Education and Fellowship

    MD (USM) – 1991 MRCP (UK) – 1997 FRCP (Glasg) – 2008

    1991 MD, USM
    1997 MRCP, UK
    2003 Fellowship in Gastroenterology, Glasgow
    2008 AM, Mal
    2008 FRCP, Glasg

  • Speciality Interests

    1. Gastroenterology inpatient / outpatient consultations. 2. Endoscopy Services :-
    Diagnostic and Therapeutic Gastroscopy
    Diagnostic and Therapeutic Coloscopy
    Therapeutic ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholongiopancreatography)
    3. Gastroenterology Specialist Care for diseases of the stomach, liver and intestines. 4. Physician Specialist Consultation.

  • Research and Publications
  • Professional Memberships
  • Education and Fellowship

    MD (USM) – 1991 MRCP (UK) – 1997 FRCP (Glasg) – 2008

    1991 MD, USM
    1997 MRCP, UK
    2003 Fellowship in Gastroenterology, Glasgow
    2008 AM, Mal
    2008 FRCP, Glasg

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