Suite No. 2, Level 5, KPJ Tawakkal Specialist Hospital
Languages Spoken
Malay, English, Chinese
Kpj Tawakkal Specialist Hospital
About Dr. Moy Chee Hoou

Specialize in General medicine, general (nephrology), dialysis and renal transplantation.

  • Education and Fellowship

    MBBS (Malaya), MRCP (UK), Board of Nephrology (MAL), ISN Fellow (AUST)

    1993 MBBS (Malaya)
    1999 MRCP (UK)
    2003 Board of Nephrology, Malaysian Ministry of Health
    2004 International Society of Nephrology Fellow (Westmead, Australia)

  • Speciality Interests

    General Medicine, nephrology, dialysis and transplantation

    1993 House Officer, Taiping Hospital
    1994 Medical Officer, Sibu Hospital
    1995 Medical Officer, Hospital Terengganu
    1996 Medical Officer, Hospital Kuala Lumpur
    1999 Clinical Specialist, Selayang Hospital
    2000 Clinical Specialist, Hospital Kuala Lumpur
    2001 Clinical Specialist, Hospital Selayang
    2002 Clinical Specialist, Hospital Kuala Lumpur
    2003 Senior Registrar and ISN Fellow, Australia
    2004 Consultant Nephrology, Hospital Kuala Lumpur & Hospital Selayang
    2005 Consultant Nephrologist, Tawakal Hospital

  • Research and Publications
  • Professional Memberships
  • Education and Fellowship

    MBBS (Malaya), MRCP (UK), Board of Nephrology (MAL), ISN Fellow (AUST)

    1993 MBBS (Malaya)
    1999 MRCP (UK)
    2003 Board of Nephrology, Malaysian Ministry of Health
    2004 International Society of Nephrology Fellow (Westmead, Australia)

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