Suite No. 24, Level 5, KPJ Tawakkal Specialist Hospital
Languages Spoken
Malay, English
Kpj Tawakkal Specialist Hospital
About Dr Tengku Saifudin Tengku Ismail

Consultant Physician & Respiratory Medicine. Honorary Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Teknologi MARA. MBChB (Glasgow), MRCP (UK), MD (Glasgow), FRCP (Edinburgh), FRCP (Glasgow), AM (Mal), FCCP (USA), Dip. European Adult Resp Med.

Postgraduate Qualification

1. Membership of Royal College of Physicians (UK) Nov 1998.

2. Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Certification June 2005.

3. Doctor of Medicine (MD) Glasgow University July 2006.

4. Academy of Medicine (AM) July 2008.

5. Diploma in European Adult Respiratory Medicine Nov 2009.

6. Fellowship Royal College of Physicians Edinburgh Feb 2AA011.

7. Fellowship Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow Feb 2011.

8. Fellowship American College of Chest Physicians June 2011.

9. Certified bronchoscopy trainer by World Association of Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology (WABIP) Sept 2012.

10. Certified Spirometry trainer by European Respiratory Society (ERS) 2014.

Dr Tengku Saifudin Tengku Ismail is a Consultant Physician & Respiratory Medicine in KPJ Tawakkal Hospital since 2014. He was previously an Associate Professor and Head of Department in Medicine Discipline in Faculty of Medicine, UiTM. He was also the Coordinator for Centre for Translational Research and Epidemiology in Faculty of Medicine, UiTM.

He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, Royal College Physicians of Edinburgh and the American College of Chest Physicians.

His main interest is asthma and COPD and he is a member of the developmental group for the Malaysian CPG Management of COPD and Malaysian CPG Management of Tuberculosis. He has participated and perform research in COPD, Asthma and various respiratory diseases and had obtained research grants and published articles on airway diseases. He is currently a council member in the Malaysian Thoracic Society.

He is internationally recognized as a certified trainer in Bronchoscopy by the World Association of Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology (WABIP) and certified lung function (Spirometry) trainer by European Respiratory Society (ERS). He is actively involved in lecturing and conducting workshops to train doctors.

  • Education and Fellowship
  • Speciality Interests

    – Respiratory Diseases such as cough, asthma, pneumonia.- Chronic Diseases such as Diabetes mellitus, hypertension- Bronchoscopy, chest drain

  • Research and Publications

    1. National and International Lung Cancer Trials I have been actively involved in recruitment of lung cancer patients in our practice into clinical trials including the British Thoracic Society Big Lung Trial and The Medical Research Council LU21 study as well as the London Lung Group Study 10-comparing Gemcitabine/Carboplatin with Cisplatin/Etoposide in small cell lung cancer and study 11-comparing Gemcitabine /Carboplatin with MIC in non small lung cancer. In addition, I have been involved in a number of pharmaceutical studies, including a double blind placebo controlled randomised control trial investigating the addition of a matrix metallo-proteinase inhibitor to standard chemotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer (Pfitzer) and an RCT evaluating the use of erythropoetin in the prevention and treatment of anaemia in patients undergoing chemotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer.

    2. Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis – Pigeon Fanciers Lung Clinical and immunological correlation among a cohort of pigeon fanciers 1997-2002 Project leader Writing of MD thesis, presentation of study at British Thoracic Society, 1 full paper in International Journal, 2 abstracts in international journals 3. Trend of immune sensitization among pigeon fanciers 1999-2004 Key researcher 4 abstracts in journals 4. Cytokines in Allergic Alveolitis 1999-2004 Key researcher 5 abstracts in journals, 3 presentations in international meetings 6. Discovery Study An open label, randomized, multi center, phase 111b/IV, parallel group study to compare the efficacy and safety of rosuvastatin and atorvastatin in subjects with type 11a and 11b hypercholesterolaemia RECENT PUBLICATIONS 2006 & 2011 FULL PAPERS IN JOURNALS 1. Intensive Blood Glucose Control and Vascular Outcomes in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. The ADVANCE Collaborative Group. N Eng J Med 2008;358:24:2560-272 2. Telmesartan, Ramipril, or Both in Patients at High Risk for Vascular Events. The ONTARGET Investigators. N Engl J Med 2008 358; 15: 1547-1559

    3. Effects of fixed dose combination of perindopril and indapamide on macrovascular complication and microvascular outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (the ADVANCE trial): a randomized controlled trial. ADVANCE Collaborative Group. Lancet 2007; 370:829-40

    4. Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis. T Ismail, C McSharry, G Boyd. Respirology 2006 ; 11: 262-268

    5. Quantifying serum antibody in bird fanciers’ hypersensitivity pneumonitis. McSharry C, Dye GM, Ismail T Anderson K, Spiers EM, Boyd G. MNC Pulm Med 2006 ; 26: 6(1):

    6. The Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study: Examining the impact of societal influences on chronic noncommunicable diseases in low-, middle-, and high-income countries. The PURE Investigators-Writing group. American Heart Journal July 2009.

    7. Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. T Ismail. Med J Malaysia 2009;64:250-255

    8. Spontaneous Pneumothorax : Variation in initial management. T Ismail et al. Med J Malaysia 2010.

    9. Holistic Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Primary Care. T Ismail, WH Wan Mohamad. Journal of the Academy of Family Physicians Malaysia 2010;5:119-125

    10. HIV Associated Opportunistic Pneumonias. T Ismail, C Lee. Med J Malaysia March 2011

    11. Use of secondary prevention drugs for cardiovascular disease in the community in high-income, middle-income, and low-income countries (the PURE Study): a prospective epidemiological survey. Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) Study Investigators. The Lancet. Published online August 28, 2011 DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)61215-4

    12. Satisfaction levels and asthma control amongst Malaysian asthmatic patients on Budesonide/Formoterol maintenance and reliever therapy :Experience in real life setting. Patient Relat Outcome Meas. 2012; 3: 71–78.

    13. Obstructive Sleep Apnoea. Malaysian Family Physician 2011; Volume 6, Number 1


    1. Opportunistic pneumonias after HAART therapy. Medical and Health Science Review

    2. Malaysian Clinical Practice Guidelines November 2009 : Management of COPD.

    3. Malaysian Clinical Practice Guidelines November 2012 : Management of Tuberculosis.

    4. Guidelines for Sedation for Non Anaesthetist 2013.


    1. Correlation between FeNO with clinical and physiological indices of asthma control in a Malaysian Population. WH Mohamed, T Ismail, R Abdul Razak, AN Yusof. Respirology 2012;17 (Suppl. 2) 1-16

    2. Clinical correlation of EGFR protein over-expression with histological growth pattern: A Preliminary report. MA Abd Rahman, NS Bakar, NKM Kornain, WAW Yaacob, WH Wan Mohamad, MA Mohd ZIM, T Ismail, AI Ismail. Respirology 2012;17 (Suppl. 2) 80-100

    3. Cardiometabolic Co-morbidities in patients with OSA attending MDS Sleep clinic. AI Ismail, SNA Zahari, MA MOhd ZIM, WH Wan Mohamad, T Ismail. Respirology 2012;17 (Suppl. 2) 117-120.

    4. Rate of lung function decline in rural urban study of Malaysian population. AI Ismail, MA Mohd Zim, MA Arippin, WH Wan Mohamad, K Yusoff, MA Daher, T Ismail. Respirology 2012;17 (Suppl. 2) 121-124.

    5. Heart Rate Variability Correlates with Severity of Obsructive Sleep Apnoea. 24th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australasian Sleep Association, Darwin, Australia10 – 13 Okt 2012.

    6. Satisfaction Levels and Asthma Control in Malaysian Patients on Symbicort Maintenance and Reliever Therapy: Experience in Real Life setting (SMARTER Study). Roslina AM, Loh LC, Tengku Saifudin TI, Abdul Razak M, George KS, Aziah AM. Respirology 2009

    7. Community study on Asian Malay population. Assessment of treatment to target lipid lowering drug management according to risk stratification. Hapizah Nawawi, Tengku Saifudin Tengku Ismail, Nor Ashikin Mohamed Noor Khan, Anis Ramli, Suhaila Majid, Khalid Yusoff for the PURE RUS Investigators. The 77th EAS Congress, 26-29th April 2008, Istanbul.

    8. Higher proportion of high risk category Metabolic Syndrome subjects in the urban compared to rural Asian Malay population.Nawawi H, Nor Ashsikin MNK, Tengku Ismail TS, Ramli AS, Krishnapilli AD, Kaur S, Yusoff K. 18th Scientific Meeting of the ESH & 22nd Scientific Meeting of the ISH 14-19 June 2008, Berlin.

    9. Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome in Asian Malay urban and rural populations. A comparison of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) definition and the National cholesterol education program adult treatment panel III (NCEP ATP III) Asian criteria. Ramli AS, Ismail TS, Ambigga D, Kaur M, Muid S, Razali R, Nawawi H, Yusoff K. PURE RUS Investigators. 18th Scientific Meeting of the ESH & 22nd Scientific Meeting of the ISH 14-19 June 2008, Berlin

    10. A comparison of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) definition and the National cholesterol education program adult treatment panel III (NCEP ATP III) Asian criteria with relation to hypertension amongst Asian Malay urban and rural populations in Malaysia. 18th Scientific Meeting of the ESH & 22nd Scientific Meeting of the ISH 14-19 June 2008, Berlin.

    11. Prehypertensive adults have abnormal lipid, metabolic risk and risk profiles among Malays in Malaysia. Yusoff K, Winn T, Nawawi H, Majid F, Ismail TS, Mohd Noor, Razali R, Suleiman A. 18th Scientific Meeting of the ESH & 22nd Scientific Meeting of the ISH 14-19 June 2008, Berlin

    12. Relationship between lung function and the development of prehypertension. T Ismail, AS Ramli, H Haron, F Majid, R Razali, H Nawawi, K Yusoff. Asian Pacific Society of Hypertension Congress 2007, Beijing 16-19th Nov 2007

    13. Prehypertensive Subjects have adverse risk factors. R Razali, F Majid, T Ismail, H Nawawi, K Yusoff. Asian Pacific Society of Hypertension Congress 2007, Beijing 16-19th Nov 2007

    14. Status of coronary risk factors in rural population. F Majid, R Razali, T Ismail, H Nawawi, K Yusoff. Asian Pacific Society of Hypertension Congress 2007, Beijing 16-19th Nov 2007

    15. Audit on the initial management of Spntaneous Pneumothorax in Hospital Selayang. D Katiman, S Hashim, J Mokhlis, T Ismail. Respirology 2007;12 (4).A205

    16. Effects of antioxidants on coronary risk markers in patients with hypercholesterolaemia in the high risk category Hapizah Mohd Nawawi, Tengku Saifudin Tengku Ismail, Anis Safura Ramli, Normalina Mansor, Sushil Mansor, Sushil Kumar Vasudevan, Muhammad Huzaimi Haron, Azlina A. Razak, Suhaila Abd. Muid, Khalid Yusoff. (2007).Malaysian Journal of Pathology 29 (Suppl A),184-185

    17. 5 year longitudinal study in a cohort of pigeon fanciers. T Ismail, F Boyd, P Lynch, G Boyd, C McSharry. European Respiratory Journal 2006;28 (Suppl. 50): 675

    18. The association of serum IgG antibody with symptoms of hypersensitivity pneumonitis.T Ismail, P Lynch, SJ Bourke, K Anderson, G Boyd, C McSharry. European Respiratory Journal 2006;28 (Suppl. 50): 675

    19. Epidemiology of Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis (HP) among Scottish Pigeon Fanciers. F Boyd, I Fraser, PP Lynch, K Anderson, TS Ismail, L Jolly, CP McSharry, G Boyd. Am J Resp Crit Care Med. 2006

    20. Lower waist circumference threshold for metabolic syndrome in an Asian Malay population.H Nawawi, Ismail T, Mahyuddin MM, Mansur NM, Razali R, Muid S, Azlina AR, K Yusoff. Atherosclerosis 2006; 7 (Suppl. 3): 423

    21. Higher prevalence of metabolic syndrome by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) than the Adult Treatment Panel III National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP ATPIII). H Nawawi, Ismail T, Mahyuddin MM, Mansur NM, Razali R, Muid S, Azlina AR, K Yusoff. For the Coronary Risk Prevention Investigators. Journal of Hypertension 2006; 22 (Suppl. 1): 61.

    22. Antigen exposure and IgG antibody response in Pigeon Fanciers. T Ismail, K Anderson, C McSharry, G Boyd. Eur Respir J 2005 ;26: suppl. 49, 374s

    23. Epidemiology of hypersensitivity pneumonitis [HP] among Scottish pigeon fanciers. G. Boyd, F Boyd I. T Ismail, Fraser, , K Anderson, C McSharry. Eur Respir J 2005 26; Suppl. 49,596s

    24. Serum Clara Cell Protein in pigeon fanciers’ Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis. G.Boyd, T Ismail, I.Fraser, K.Anderson, R.Sokol, C.McSharry, Am J Resp Crit Care Med . 2004; 169: A775

    25. The importance of quantifying serum antibody associated with allergic alveolitis. K. Anderson, C. McSharry, T Ismail, S Bourke, G Boyd.. Eur Respir J 2004; 24: Suppl. 48, 355s

    26. Pigeon fanciers’ allergic alveolitis: association with proinflammatory cytokines. C. McSharry, K Anderson, T Ismail, I Fraser, G Boyd. Eur Respir J 2004; 24: Suppl. 48, 355s

    27. Increasing trend for immune sensitisation among pigeon fanciers.T Ismail, C McSharry, I Fraser, F Boyd,C Lynch, S Murkhejee,P Lynch, S Burke, G Boyd. European Respiratory Journal Sept Suppl 227s P1520 2003

    28. Percent predicted FEV1 among pigeon fanciers correlates with CD8 lymphocyte count. T Ismail, C McSharry, F Boyd, M Upton, S Bourke ,P Lynch, C Lynch, G Boyd. European Respiratory Journal Sept Suppl 227s P1521 2003

    29. Trend of immune sensitisation among pigeon fanciers over a 12 year period. T Ismail, C McSharry, F Boyd, M Upton, S Bourke ,P Lynch, C Lynch, G Boyd. Thorax Dec Suppl 2003

    30. FEV1 is associated with CD8+ lymphocyte count and mitogen-driven lymphocyte proliferation in pigeon fanciers’ hypersensitivity pneumonitis. T Ismail, C McSharry, F Boyd, M Upton, S Bourke ,P Lynch, C Lynch, G Boyd . Am J Resp Crit Care Med. 2003:167:7 A359

    31. Epidemiology of lung function and immunology in pigeon breeders: 5-year follow-up. T Ismail , F Boyd, C McSharry, C Lynch, P lynch ,G Boyd. Thorax 2002 Vol 57 Suppl 3 iii68

    32. Increased serum levels of mucin KL-6,surfactant protein D and antibody to dietary antigens suggest altered mucosal permeability among pigeon fanciers. C McSharry, K Anderson, T Ismail, F Boyd, J Burgon KBM Reid ,G Boyd et al. Thorax 2002 Vol 57 Suppl 3 iii15

    33. Management of Spontaneous Pneumothorax in a DGH. T Ismail. S Davidson,G Boyd, R Milroy. European Respiratory Journal 2002 Vol 20 .Suppl 38:605

    34. Chest CT in the evaluation of unexplained haemoptysis. T Ismail, R Bhavani, F Bryden, R Milroy. European Respiratory Journal 2002 Vol 20 .Suppl 38:458

    35. The impact of avian-zoonoses on the development of pigeon breeders hypersensitivity pneumonitis. G Boyd, C McSharry, K McLeod, S Burke, T Ismail, F Boyd, S Murkhejee. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 165 pA528,2002 36. Chemotherapy for lung cancer in Scotland : Results of a national survey. R Milroy, S Davidson, J McPhelim, T Ismail. Thorax 2002,Vol 56, Supplement III

  • Professional Memberships

    1. Membership of Royal College of Physicians (UK) Nov 1998
    2. GCP Certification June 2005
    3. Doctor of Medicine (MD) Glasgow University July 2006
    4. Academy of Medicine (AM) July 2008
    5. Diploma in European Adult Respiratory Medicine Nov 2009
    6. Fellowship Royal College of Physicians Edinburgh Feb 2011
    7. Fellowship Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow Feb 2011
    8. Fellowship American College of Chest Physicians June 2011
    9. Certified bronchoscopy trainer by World Association of Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology (WABIP)Sept 2012

  • Education and Fellowship
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